Retrieval Operator


Postion Overview

The Retrieval Operator gets to enjoy the action from the sparkling blue water level and from the comfort of the zodiac boat . From here the RO will retrieve the jumpers and help them out of their harnesses and bring them back to shore safely.

Postion Start Date:

Late April

Position Requirements:

21 plus, First Aid- CPR C, Life Saving or Swift Water rescue.


$15/hr to $16/hr

Additional Information:

This is an entry level position into the Module Program and an excellent way to start out on the team. If the applicant does not have Life Saving or and equivalent they may still apply with the promise to take the certification before starting work.

Application Instructions:

This is an entry level position and if you have the position requirements and have self confidence and enthousiam we would love to hear from you. Please send a CV and Cover Letter to

Alana Hennessy

Alana Hennessy { Freelance Graphic & Web Designer }
